

Trusted by the world's best organizations, for 10 years and running, it has been delivering smiles to hundreds of IT advisors, developers, users, and business owners.

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Trusted by the world's best organizations for 10 years.

Kainotomia been helping organizations and Providers through the World to manage their IT with our unique approach to technology management and consultancy solutions.

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Asia Pacific ICT Alliance(APICTA) Awards 2019

APICTA award is considered one of the most prestigious awards in the ICT arena and is often called the Oscar of ICT. Kainotomia Infotech won two awards in APICTA-2019. Champion award in Retail Solution and Merit award in public service and e-governance.


National ICT Award - 2019

The National ICT Awards is an annual event organized by BASIS with the aim of showcasing and awarding innovative projects, ideas, and solutions. Start-ups, SMEs, and entrepreneurs who have tapped into IT and ITES services to arrive at innovative solutions can participate in the BASIS National ICT award which comes with a wealth of opportunities. The ICT award event promises a major boost and is an opportune platform for innovators within the ICT and ITES sectors.


Best Brand Award 2020

The Best Brand Awards is an international competition that recognises the concept and design of brands from around the globe. Designers, agencies and companies compete every year to present their best work. In the last two years, brands from 26 countries and five continents were submitted.